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A worldwide perspective of sepsis epidemiology and survival according to age: Observational data from the ICON audit  期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    Kotfis, Katarzyna[1] Wittebole, Xavier[2] Jaschinski, Ulrich[3] SoleViolan, Jordi[4] Kashyap, Rahul[5] Leone, Marc[6] Nanchal, Rahul[7] Fontes, Luis E.[8] Sakr, Yasser[9] Vincent, JeanLouis[10] Tomas, E.[11] Bibonge, E. Amisi[12] Charra, B.[13] Faroudy, M.[14] Doedens, L.[15] Farina, Z.[16] Adler, D.[17] Balkema, C.[18] Kok, A.[19] Alaya, S.[20] Gharsallah, H.[21] Muzha, D.[22] Temelkov, A.[23] Georgiev, G.[24] Simeonov, G.[25] Tsaryanski, G.[26] Georgiev, S.[27] Seliman, A.[28] Vrankovic, S.[29] Vucicevic, Z.[30] Gornik, I[31] Barsic, B.[32] Husedzinovic, I[33] Pavlik, P.[34] Manak, J.[35] Kieslichova, E.[36] Turek, R.[37] Fischer, M.[38] Valkova, R.[39] Dadak, L.[40] Dostal, P.[41] Malaska, J.[42] Hajek, R.[43] Zidkova, A.[44] Lavicka, P.[45] Starkopf, J.[46] Kheladze, Z.[47] Chkhaidze, M.[48] Kaloiani, V[49] Medve, L.[50] Sarkany, A.[51] Kremer, I[52] Marjanek, Z.[53] Tamasi, P.[54] Krupnova, I[55] Vanags, I[56] Liguts, V[57] Pilvinis, V[58] Vosylius, S.[59] Kekstas, G.[60] Balciunas, M.[61] Kolbusz, A.[62] Kubler, A.[63] Mielczarek, B.[64] MikaszewskaSokolewicz, M.[65] Kotfis, K.[66] Tamowicz, B.[67] Sulkowski, W.[68] Smuszkiewicz, P.[69] Pihowicz, A.[70] Trejnowska, E.[71] Hagau, N.[72] Filipescu, D.[73] Droc, G.[74] Lupu, M.[75] Nica, A.[76] Stoica, R.[77] Tomescu, D.[78] Constantinescu, D.[79] Zbaganu, G. Valcoreanu[80] Slavcovici, A.[81] Bagin, V[82] Belsky, D.[83] Palyutin, S.[84] Shlyapnikov, S.[85] Bikkulova, D.[86] Gritsan, A.[87] Natalia, G.[88] Makarenko, E.[89] Kokhno, V[90] Tolkach, A.[91] Kokarev, E.[92] Belotserkovskiy, B.[93] Zolotukhin, K.[94] Kulabukhov, V[95] Soskic, L.[96] Palibrk, I[97] Jankovic, R.[98] Jovanovic, B.[98] Pandurovic, M.[99] Bumbasirevic, V[100] Uljarevic, B.[101] Surbatovic, M.[102] Ladjevic, N.[103] Slobodianiuk, G.[104] Sobona, V[105] Cikova, A.[106] Gebhardtova, A.[107] Jun, C.[108] Yunbo, S.[109] Dong, U.[110] Feng, S.[111] Duan, M.[112] Xu, Y.[113] Xue, X.[114] Gao, T.[115] Xing, X.[116] Zhao, X.[117] Li, C.[118,146] Gengxihua, G.[119] Tan, H.[120] Xu, J.[121] Jiang, L.[122] Tiehe, Q.[123] Bingyu, Q.[124] Shi, Q.[125] Lv, Z.[126] Zhang, L.[127] Jingtao, L.[128] Zhen, Z.[129] Wang, Z.[130] Wang, T.[131] Yuhong, L.[132] Zhai, Q.[133] Chen, Y.[134,138] Wang, C.[135] Jiang, W.[136] Ruilan, W.[137] Chen, Y.[134,138] Xiaobo, H.[138] Ge, H.[139] Yan, T.[140] Yuhui, C.[141] Zhang, J.[142] JianHong, F.[143] Zhu, H.[144] Huo, F.[145] Wang, Y.[145] Li, C.[118,146] Zhuang, M.[147] Ma, Z.[148] Sun, J.[149] Liuqingyue, L.[150] Yang, M.[151] Meng, J.[152] Ma, S.[153] Kang, Y.[154] Yu, L.[155] Peng, Q.[156] Wei, Y.[157] Zhang, W.[158] Sun, R.[159] Yeung, A.[160] Wan, W.[161] Sin, K.[162] Lee, K.[163] Wijanti, M.[164] Widodo, U.[165] Samsirun, H.[166] Sugiman, T.[167] Wisudarti, C.[168] Maskoen, T.[169] Hata, N.[170] Kobe, Y.[171] Nishida, O.[172] Miyazaki, D.[173] Nunomiya, S.[174] Uchino, S.[175] Kitamura, N.[176] Yamashita, K.[177] Hashimoto, S.[178] Fukushima, H.[179] Adib, N. Nik[180] Tai, L.[181] Tony, B.[182] Bigornia, R.[183,184] Palo, J.[185] Chatterjee, S.[186] Tan, B.[187] Kong, A.[188] Goh, S.[189] Lee, C.[190] Pothirat, C.[191] Khwannimit, B.[192] Theerawit, P.[193] Pornsuriyasak, P.[194] Piriyapatsom, A.[195] Mukhtar, A.[196] Dsicu[197] Hamdy, A. Nabil[198] Hosny, H.[199] Ashraf, A.[200] Mokhtari, M.[201] Nowruzinia, S.[202] Lotfi, A.[203] Zand, F.[204] Nikandish, R.[205] Moghaddam, O. Moradi[206] Cohen, J.[207] Sold, O.[208] Sfeir, T.[209] Hasan, A.[210] Abugaber, D.[211] Ahmad, H.[212] Tantawy, T.[213] Baharoom, S.[214] Algethamy, H.[215] Amr, A.[216] Almekhlafi, G.[217] Coskun, R.[218] Sungur, M.[219] Cosar, A.[220] Gucyetmez, B.[221] Demirkiran, O.[222] Senturk, E.[223] Ulusoy, H.[224] Atalan, H.[225] Serin, S.[226] Kati, I[227] Alnassrawi, Z.[228] Almemari, A.[229] Krishnareddy, K.[230] Kashef, S.[231] Alsabbah, A.[232] Poirier, G.[233] Marshall, J.[234] Herridge, M.[235,236] Herridge, M.[235,236] FernandezMedero, R.[237] Fulda, G.[238] Banschbach, S.[239] Quintero, J.[240] Schroeder, E.[241] Sicoutris, C.[242] Gueret, R.[243] Kashyap, R.[244] Bauer, P.[245] Nanchal, R.[246] Wunderink, R.[247] Jimenez, E.[248] Ryan, A.[249,250,251,252,253,254,255] Prince, D.[256] Edington, J.[257] Van Haren, F.[258] Bersten, A.[259] Hawkins, D. J.[260] Kilminster, M.[261] Sturgess, D.[262] Ziegenfuss, M.[263] O'Connor, S.[264] Lipman, J.[265] Campbell, L.[266] Mcallister, R.[267] Roberts, B.[268] Williams, P.[269] Parke, R.[270] Seigne, P.[271] Freebairn, R.[272] Nistor, D.[273] Oxley, C.[274] Young, P.[275] Valentini, R.[276] Wainsztein, N.[277] Comignani, P.[278] Casaretto, M.[279] Sutton, G.[280] Villegas, P.[281] Galletti, C.[282] Neira, J.[283] Rovira, D.[284] Hidalgo, J.[285,286] Sandi, F.[287] Caser, E.[288] Thompson, M.[289] D'agostino Dias, M.[290] Fontes, L.[291] Lunardi, M.[292] Youssef, N.[293] Lobo, S.[294] Silva, R.[295] Sales Jr, J.[296] Madeira Campos Melo, L.[297] Oliveira, M.[298] Fonte, M.[299] Grion, C.[300,324] Feijo, C.[301] Rezende, V[302] Assuncao, M.[303] Neves, A.[304] Gusman, P.[305] Dalcomune, D.[305] Teixeira, C.[306] Kaefer, K.[307] Maia, I[308] Souza Dantas, V[309] Costa Filho, R.[310] Amorim, F.[311] Assef, M.[312] Schiavetto, P.[313] Houly, J.[314,315] Bianchi, F.[316] Dias, F.[317] Avila, C.[318] Gomez, J.[319] Rego, L.[320] Castro, P.[321] Passos, J.[322] Mendes, C.[323] Grion, C.[300,324] Colozza Mecatti, G.[325] Ferrreira, M.[326] Irineu, V[327] Guerreiro, M.[328] Ugarte, S.[329] Tomicic, V[330] Godoy, C.[331] Samaniego, W.[332] Escamilla, I[333,334] Castro Castro, L.[335] Libreros Duque, G.[336] DiazGuio, D.[337] Benitez, F.[338] Guerra Urrego, A.[339] Buitrago, R.[340] Ortiz, G.[341] Villalba Gaviria, M.[342] Salas, D.[343] RamirezArce, J.[344] Salgado, E.[345] Morocho, D.[346] Vergara, J.[347] Chung Sang, M.[348] OrellanaJimenez, C.[349] Garrido, L.[350] Diaz, O.[351] Resiere, D.[352] Osorio, C.[353] De La Vega, A.[354] Carrillo, R.[355] Sanchez, V[356] Villagomez, A.[357] Martinez Zubieta, R.[358] Sandia, M.[359] Zalatiel, M.[360] Poblano, M.[361] Rodriguez Gonzalez, D.[362] Arrazola, F.[363] Juan Francisco, L.[363] LiamendysSilva, S. A.[364] Hernandez, M.[365,366] Rodriguez Cadena, D.[367] Lopez Islas, I.[368] Ballesteros Zarzavilla, C.[369] Matos, A.[370] Oyanguren, I[371] Cerna, J.[372] Quispe Sierra, R.[373] Jimenez, R.[374] Castillo, L.[375] Ocal, R.[376] Sencan, A.[377] Gianoni, S. Mareque[378] Deicas, A.[379] Hurtado, J.[380] Burghi, G.[381] Martinelli, A.[382] Von der Osten, I[383] Du Maine, C.[384] Bhattacharyya, M.[385] Bandyopadhyay, S.[386] Yanamala, S.[387] Gopal, P.[388] Sahu, S.[389] Ibrahim, M.[390] Rathod, D.[391] Mukundan, N.[392] Dewan, A.[393] Amin, P.[394] Samavedam, S.[395] Shah, B.[396] Gurupal, D.[397] Lahkar, B.[398] Mandal, A.[399] Sircar, M.[400] Ghosh, S.[401] Balasubramani, V[402] Kapadia, F.[403] Vadi, S.[404] Nair, K.[405] Tripathy, S.[406] Nandakumar, S.[407] Sharma, J.[408] Kar, A.[409] Jha, S.[410] Gurav, K. Zirpe[411] Patel, M.[412] Bhaysar, A.[413] Samaddar, D.[414] Kulkarni, A.[415] Hashmi, M.[416] Ali, W.[417] Nadeem, S.[418] Indraratna, K.[419] Margarit, A.[420] Urbanek, P.[421] Schlieber, J.[422] Reisinger, J.[423] Auer, U.[424] Hartjes, A.[425] Lerche, A.[426] Janous, T.[427] Kink, E.[428] Krahulec, W.[429] Smolle, K.[430] Van der Schueren, M.[431] Thibo, P.[432] Vanhoof, M.[433] Ahmet, I[434] Gadisseux, P.[435] Dufaye, P.[436] Jacobs, O.[437] Fraipont, V[438] Biston, P.[439] Dive, A.[440] Bouckaert, Y.[441] Gilbert, E.[442] Gressens, B.[443] Pinck, E.[444] Collin, V[445] Vincent, J. L.[446] De Waele, J.[447] Rimachi, R.[448] Gusu, D.[449] De Decker, K.[450] Mandianga, K.[451] Heytens, L.[452] Wittebole, X.[453] Spapen, H.[454] Olivier, V[455] Vandenheede, W.[456] Rogiers, P.[457] Kolodzeike, P.[458] Kruse, M.[459] Andersen, T.[460] Harjola, V[461] Saarinen, K.[462] Leone, M.[463] Durocher, A.[464] Moulront, S.[465] Lepape, A.[466] Losser, M.[467] Cabaret, P.[468] Kalaitzis, E.[469] Zogheib, E.[470] Charve, P.[471] Francois, B.[472] Lefrant, J. Y.[473] Beilouny, B.[474] Forceville, X.[475] Misset, B.[476] Jacobs, F.[477] Floccard, B.[478] Payen, D.[479] Wynckel, A.[480] Castelain, V[481] Faure, A.[482] Lavagne, P.[483] Thierry, I[484] Moussa, M.[485] VieillardBaron, A.[486] Durand, M.[487] Gainnier, M.[488] Ichai, C.[489] Arens, S.[490] Hoffmann, C.[491] Kaffarnik, M.[492] Scharnofske, C.[493] Voigt, I[494] Peckelsen, C.[495] Weber, M.[496] Gille, J.[497] Lange, A.[498] Schoser, G.[499] Sablotzki, A.[500] Jaschinski, U.[501] Bluethgen, A.[501] Vogel, F.[502] Tscheu, A.[503] Fuchs, T.[504] Wattenberg, M.[505] Helmes, T.[506] Scieszka, S.[507] Heintz, M.[508] Sakka, S.[509] Kohler, J.[510] Fiedler, F.[511] Danz, M.[512] Sakr, Y.[513] Riessen, R.[514] Kerz, T.[515] Kersten, A.[516] Tacke, F.[517] Marx, G.[518] Volkert, T.[519] Schmutz, A.[520] Nierhaus, A.[521] Kluge, S.[521] Abel, P.[522] Janosi, R.[523] Utzolino, S.[524] Bracht, H.[525] Toussaint, S.[526] Peftoulidou, M. Giannakou[527] Myrianthefs, P.[528] Armaganidis, A.[529] Routsi, C.[530] Xini, A.[531] Mouloudi, E.[532] Kokoris, I[533] Kyriazopoulos, G.[534] Vlachos, S.[535] Lavrentieva, A.[536] Partala, P.[537] Nakos, G.[538] Moller, A.[539] Stefansson, S.[540] Barry, J.[541] O'Leary, R.[542] Motherway, C.[543] Faheem, M.[544] Dunne, E.[545] Donnelly, M.[546] Konrad, T.[547] Bonora, E.[548] Achilli, C.[549] Rossi, S.[550] Castiglione, G.[551] Penis, A.[552] Albanese, D.[553] Stocchetti, N.[554,555] Citerio, G.[556] Mozzoni, L.[557] Sisillo, E.[558] De Negri, P.[559] Savioli, M.[560] Vecchiarelli, P.[561] Puflea, F.[562] Stankovic, V[562] Minoja, G.[563] Montibeller, S.[564] Calligaro, P.[565] Sorrentino, R.[566] Feri, M.[567] Zambon, M.[568] Colombaroli, E.[569] Giarratano, A.[570] Pellis, T.[571] Capra, C.[572] Antonelli, M.[573] Gullo, A.[574] Chelazzi, C.[575] De Capraris, A.[576] Patroniti, N.[577] Girardis, M.[578] Franchi, F.[579] Berlot, G.[580] Buttigieg, M.[581] Ponssen, H.[582] Cate, J. Ten[583] Bormans, L.[584] Husada, S.[585] Buise, M.[586] Van Der Hoven, B.[587] Reidinga, A.[588] Kuiper, M.[589] Pickkers, P.[590] Kluge, G.[591] Den Boer, S.[592] Kesecioglu, J.[593] Van Leeuwen, H.[594] Flaatten, H.[595] Mo, S.[596] Branco, V[597] Rua, F.[598] Lafuente, E.[599] Sousa, M.[600] Catorze, N.[601] Barros, M.[602] Pereira, L.[603] De Oliveira, A. Vintern[604] Gomes, J.[605] Gaspar, I[606] Pereira, M.[607] Cymbron, M.[608] Dias, A.[609] Almeida, E.[610] Beirao, S.[611] Serra, I[612] Ribeiro, R.[613] Povoa, P.[614] Faria, F.[615] CostaESilva, Z.[616] Nobrega, A.[617] Fernandes, F.[618] Gabriel, J.[619] Voga, G.[620] Rupnik, E.[621] Kosec, L.[622] Povsic, M. Kerin[623] Osojnik, I[624] Tomic, V[625] Sinkovic, A.[626] Gonzalez, J.[627] Zavala, E.[628] Perez Valenzuela, A.[629] Marina, L.[630] VidalCortes, P.[631] Posada, I[632] Ignacio MartinLoeches, A.[633] Munoz Guillen, N.[634] Palomar, M.[635] SoleViolan, U.[636] Torres, A.[637] Gonzalez Gallego, M.[638] Aguilar, G.[639] Montoiro Allue, R.[640] Argueso, M.[641] Parejo, M.[642] Palomo Navarro, M.[643] Jose, A.[644] Nin, N.[645] Alvarez Lerma, F.[646] Martinez, O.[647] Tenza Lozano, E.[648] Arenal Lopez, S.[649] Perez Granda, M.[649] Moreno, S.[650] Llubia, C.[651] De la Fuente Martos, C.[652] GonzalezArenas, P.[653] Llamas Fernandez, N.[654] Gil Rueda, B.[654] Estruch Pons, I[655] Cruza, N.[656] Maroto, F.[657] Estella, A.[658] Ferrer, A.[659] Iglesias Fraile, L.[660] Quindos, B.[660] Quintano, A.[661] Tebar, M.[662] Cardinal, I[663] Reyes, A.[664] Rodriguez, A.[665] Abella, A.[666] Garcia Del Valle, S.[667] Yus, S.[668] Maseda, E.[668] Berezo, U.[669] Tejero Pedregosa, A.[670] Laplaza, C.[671] Ferrer, R.[672] RicoFeijoo, U.[673] Rodriguez, M.[674] Monedero, P.[675] Eriksson, K.[676,677] Lind, D.[678] Chabanel, D.[679] Zender, H.[680] Heer, K.[681] Frankenberger, B.[682] Jakob, S.[683] Mathew, S.[684] Downes, R.[685] Groba, C. Barrera[686] Johnston, A.[687] Meacher, R.[688] Keays, R.[689] HajiMichael, P.[690] Tyler, C.[691] Ferguson, A.[692] Jones, S.[693] Tyl, D.[694] Ball, A.[695] Vogel, U.[696] Booth, M.[697] Downie, P.[698] Watters, M.[699] Brett, S.[700] Garfield, M.[701] Everett, L.[702] Heenen, S.[703] Dhir, S.[704] Beardow, Z.[705] Mostert, M.[706] Brosnan, S.[707] Pinto, N.[708] Harris, S.[709] Summors, A.[710] Andrew, N.[711] Rose, A.[712] Appelboam, R.[713] Davies, O.[714] Vickers, E.[715] Agarwal, B.[716] Szakmany, T.[717] Wimbush, S.[718] Welters, I[719] Pearse, R.[720] Hollands, R.[721] KirkBayley, U.[722] Fletcher, N.[723] Bray, B.[724] Brealey, D.[725]
  • 语种:
  • 期刊:
    JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE ISSN:0883-9441 2019 年 51 卷 (122 - 132) ; JUN
  • 收录:
  • 关键词:
  • 摘要:

    Purpose: To investigate age-related differences in outcomes of critically ill patients with sepsis around the world.
    Methods: We performed a secondary analysis of data from the prospective ICON audit, in which all adult ( >16 years ) patients admitted to participating ICUs between May 8 and 18, 2012, were included, except admissions for routine postoperative observation. For this sub-analysis, the 10,012 patients with completed age data were included. They were divided into five age groups - <= 50, 51-60, 61-70, 71-80, >80 years. Sepsis was defined as infection plus at least one organ failure.
    Results: A total of 2963 patients had sepsis, with similar proportions across the age groups (<= 50 = 25.2%: 51-60 = 30.3%; 61-70 = 32.8%; 71-80 = 30.7%; >80 = 30.9%). Hospital mortality increased with age and in patients >80 years was almost twice that of patients <= 50 years (493% vs 25.2%, p < .05). The maximum rate of increase in mortality was about 0.75% per year, occurring between the ages of 71 and 77 years. In multilevel analysis, age > 70 years was independently associated with increased risk of dying.
    Conclusions: The odds for death in ICU patients with sepsis increased with age with the maximal rate of increase occurring between the ages of 71 and 77 years. (C) 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Kotfis Katarzyna,Wittebole Xavier,Jaschinski Ulrich, et al. A worldwide perspective of sepsis epidemiology and survival according to age: Observational data from the ICON audit [J].JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE,2019,51:122-132.
  • APA:
    Kotfis Katarzyna,Wittebole Xavier,Jaschinski Ulrich,Sole-Violan Jordi,&Brealey D..(2019).A worldwide perspective of sepsis epidemiology and survival according to age: Observational data from the ICON audit .JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE,51:122-132.
  • MLA:
    Kotfis Katarzyna, et al. "A worldwide perspective of sepsis epidemiology and survival according to age: Observational data from the ICON audit" .JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE 51(2019):122-132.
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