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Prostate cancer antigen 3 and genetic risk score as markers for the detection of prostate cancer in the Chinese population  期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    Wei, HanMin[1,2] Chen, HaiTao[1,2] Wang, Ping[1,2] Wu, YiShuo[3] Na, Rong[3] Liu, Fang[1,2,3] Sun, JiShan[4] Jiang, DeKe[1,2] Lu, DaRu[1] Xu, Jianfeng[1,2,3,4]
  • 语种:
  • 期刊:
    ASIAN JOURNAL OF ANDROLOGY ISSN:1008-682X 2015 年 17 卷 1 期 (168 - 170) ; JAN-FEB
  • 收录:
  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Wei Han-Min,Chen Hai-Tao,Wang Ping, et al. Prostate cancer antigen 3 and genetic risk score as markers for the detection of prostate cancer in the Chinese population [J].ASIAN JOURNAL OF ANDROLOGY,2015,17(1):168-170.
  • APA:
    Wei Han-Min,Chen Hai-Tao,Wang Ping,Wu Yi-Shuo,&Xu Jianfeng.(2015).Prostate cancer antigen 3 and genetic risk score as markers for the detection of prostate cancer in the Chinese population .ASIAN JOURNAL OF ANDROLOGY,17(1):168-170.
  • MLA:
    Wei Han-Min, et al. "Prostate cancer antigen 3 and genetic risk score as markers for the detection of prostate cancer in the Chinese population" .ASIAN JOURNAL OF ANDROLOGY 17,1(2015):168-170.
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