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Integrated glycomic analysis of ovarian cancer side population cells  期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    Zhao, Ran[1];Liu, Xiaoxia[2,5];Wang, Yisheng[2,5];Jie, Xiaoxiang[4];Qin, Ruihuan[3];Qin, Wenjun[3];Zhang, Mengyu[2];Tai, Haiyan[2];Yang, Caiting[3];Li, Lili[3];Peng, Peike[3];Shao, Miaomiao[3];Zhang, Xingwang[3];Wu, Hao(吴浩)[3]Ruan, Yuanyuan(阮元元)[3]Xu, Congjian(徐丛剑)*[1,2,4,5]Ren, Shifang(任士芳)*[3]Gu, Jianxin(顾建新)[3]
  • 语种:
  • 期刊:
    CLINICAL PROTEOMICS ISSN:1542-6416 2016 年 13 卷 ; NOV 10
  • 收录:
  • 关键词:
  • 摘要:

    Background: Ovarian cancer is the most lethal gynecological malignancy due to its frequent recurrence and drug resistance even after successful initial treatment. Accumulating scientific evidence indicates that subpopulations of cancer cells with stem cell-like properties, such as so-called side population (SP) cells, are primarily responsible for these recurrences. A better understanding of SP cells may provide new clues for detecting and targeting these cancer-initiating cells and ultimately help to eradicate cancer. Changes in glycosylation patterns are remarkable features of SP cells. Here, we isolated SP cells from ovarian cancer cell lines and analyzed their glycosylation patterns using multiple glycomic strategies. Methods: Six high-grade serous ovarian cancer cell lines were used for SP cell isolation. Among them, HO8910 pm, which contained the highest proportion of SP cells, was used for glycomic analysis of SP cells. Cell lysate of SP cells and main population cells was applied to lectin microarray and mass spectrometry for glycan profiling. Differently expressed glycan structures were further verified by lectin blot, flow cytometry, and real-time PCR analysis of their relevant enzymes. Results: Expression of core fucosylated N-glycan and tumor-associated Tn, T and sT antigens were increased in SP cells. By contrast, SP cells exhibited decreased hybrid glycan, alpha 2,3-linked sialic glycan and multivalent sialyl-glycan. Conclusions: Glycan structures, such as Tn, T, sT antigens, and core fucosylation may serve as biomarkers of ovarian cancer stem cells.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Zhao Ran,Liu Xiaoxia,Wang Yisheng, et al. Integrated glycomic analysis of ovarian cancer side population cells [J].CLINICAL PROTEOMICS,2016,13.
  • APA:
    Zhao Ran,Liu Xiaoxia,Wang Yisheng,Jie Xiaoxiang,&Gu Jianxin.(2016).Integrated glycomic analysis of ovarian cancer side population cells .CLINICAL PROTEOMICS,13.
  • MLA:
    Zhao Ran, et al. "Integrated glycomic analysis of ovarian cancer side population cells" .CLINICAL PROTEOMICS 13(2016).
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