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Design and synthesis of magnetic binary metal oxides nanocomposites through dopamine chemistry for highly selective enrichment of phosphopeptides  期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    Wang, Mengyi[1,2];Sun, Xueni[3];Li, Yan(李嫣)[3]Deng, Chunhui(邓春晖)[1,2]
  • 语种:
  • 期刊:
    PROTEOMICS ISSN:1615-9853 2016 年 16 卷 6 期 (915 - 919) ; MAR
  • 收录:
  • 关键词:
  • 摘要:

    In this work, for the first time, magnetic binary metal oxides nanocomposites which integrated Zr and Ti into one entity on an atomic scale on polydopamine coated magnetic graphene (magG/PD/(Zr-Ti)O-4) was designed and synthesized, and applied to the enrichment of phosphopeptides. The newly prepared magG/PD/(Zr-Ti)O-4 composites gathered the advantages of large surface area, superparamagnetism, biocompatibility and the enhanced affinity properties to phosphopeptides. MagG/PD/ZrO2, magG/PD/TiO2, as well as the simple physical mixture of them were introduced to compare with magG/PD/(Zr-Ti)O-4 composites. High sensitivity (1 pg/L or 4.0 x 10(-11) M) and selectivity (weight ratio of -casein and BSA reached up to 1:8000) toward phosphopeptides were also presented for magG/PD/(Zr-Ti)O-4 composites. Additionally, mouse brain tissue was chose as the real samples to further investigate the phosphopeptides enrichment ability of this new material.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Wang Mengyi,Sun Xueni,Li Yan, et al. Design and synthesis of magnetic binary metal oxides nanocomposites through dopamine chemistry for highly selective enrichment of phosphopeptides [J].PROTEOMICS,2016,16(6):915-919.
  • APA:
    Wang Mengyi,Sun Xueni,Li Yan,Deng Chunhui.(2016).Design and synthesis of magnetic binary metal oxides nanocomposites through dopamine chemistry for highly selective enrichment of phosphopeptides .PROTEOMICS,16(6):915-919.
  • MLA:
    Wang Mengyi, et al. "Design and synthesis of magnetic binary metal oxides nanocomposites through dopamine chemistry for highly selective enrichment of phosphopeptides" .PROTEOMICS 16,6(2016):915-919.
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