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Surgical Intervention for Behcet's Disease with Aorta Aneurysm and Pseudoaneurysm: Opposite Outcomes in Two Cases  期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    Chen, Yong[1];Cui, JiaShen[2];Cai, JianFei[1];Zou, Jun[1];Guan, JianLong(管剑龙:)*[1]
  • 语种:
  • 期刊:
    CHINESE MEDICAL JOURNAL ISSN:0366-6999 2017 年 130 卷 20 期 (2503 - 2505) ; OCT 20
  • 收录:
  • 关键词:
  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Chen Yong,Cui Jia-Shen,Cai Jian-Fei, et al. Surgical Intervention for Behcet's Disease with Aorta Aneurysm and Pseudoaneurysm: Opposite Outcomes in Two Cases [J].CHINESE MEDICAL JOURNAL,2017,130(20):2503-2505.
  • APA:
    Chen Yong,Cui Jia-Shen,Cai Jian-Fei,Zou Jun,&Guan Jian-Long.(2017).Surgical Intervention for Behcet's Disease with Aorta Aneurysm and Pseudoaneurysm: Opposite Outcomes in Two Cases .CHINESE MEDICAL JOURNAL,130(20):2503-2505.
  • MLA:
    Chen Yong, et al. "Surgical Intervention for Behcet's Disease with Aorta Aneurysm and Pseudoaneurysm: Opposite Outcomes in Two Cases" .CHINESE MEDICAL JOURNAL 130,20(2017):2503-2505.
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