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Detection and analysis of methicillin-resistant human-adapted sequence type 398 allows insight into community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus evolution  期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    He, Lei[1] Zheng, HongXiang[2,3,4] Wang, Yanan[1] Le, Katherine Y.[5] Liu, Qian[1] Shang, Jun[6] Dai, Yingxin[1] Meng, Hongwei[1] Wang, Xing[7] Li, Tianming[1] Gao, Qianqian[1] Qin, Juanxiu[1] Lu, Huiying[1] Otto, Michael[5] Li, Min[1]
  • 语种:
  • 期刊:
    GENOME MEDICINE ISSN:1756-994X 2018 年 10 卷 ; JAN 29
  • 收录:
  • 关键词:
  • 摘要:

    Background: Severe infections with highly virulent community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) are a global problem. However, the molecular events defining the evolution of CA-MRSA are still poorly understood. MRSA of sequence type (ST) 398 is known to frequently infect livestock, while ST398 isolates infecting humans are commonly methicillin-susceptible or represent MRSA originating from livestock-associated (LA)-MRSA. Methods: We used whole genome sequencing of newly detected CA-MRSA ST398 isolates, in comparison to geographically matched LA-MRSA and methicillin-sensitive ST398, to determine their evolutionary history. Furthermore, we used phenotypic analyses including animal infection models to gain insight into the evolution of virulence in these CA-MRSA isolates. Finally, we determined methicillin resistance and expression of the methicillin resistance-conferring gene mecA and its penicillin-binding protein product, PBP2a, in a large series of CA-MRSA strains of divergent STs. Results: We report several cases of severe and fatal infections due to ST398 CA-MRSA. The responsible isolates showed the typical genetic characteristics reported for human-adapted methicillin-sensitive ST398. Whole genome sequencing demonstrated that they evolved from human-adapted, methicillin-susceptible clones on several different occasions. Importantly, the isolates had not undergone consistent genetic alterations or changes in virulence as compared to their methicillin-susceptible predecessors. Finally, we observed dramatically and consistently lower methicillin resistance and expression of the resistance gene mecA, as compared to hospital-associated MRSA strains, in a diverse selection of CA-MRSA strains. Conclusions: Our study presents evidence for the development of highly virulent human-adapted ST398 CA-MRSA isolates from methicillin-susceptible predecessors. Notably, our investigation indicates that, in contrast to widespread notions, the development of CA-MRSA is not necessarily associated with the acquisition of specific virulence genes or other virulence-increasing changes. Rather, our findings emphasize the importance of the CA-MRSA-characteristic staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec types, which provide only low-level methicillin resistance, for that process. Our findings are of particular importance for the diagnosis of CA-MRSA, inasmuch as they indicate that the presence of specific virulence genes cannot generally be used for that purpose.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    He Lei,Zheng Hong-Xiang,Wang Yanan, et al. Detection and analysis of methicillin-resistant human-adapted sequence type 398 allows insight into community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus evolution [J].GENOME MEDICINE,2018,10.
  • APA:
    He Lei,Zheng Hong-Xiang,Wang Yanan,Le Katherine Y.,&Li Min.(2018).Detection and analysis of methicillin-resistant human-adapted sequence type 398 allows insight into community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus evolution .GENOME MEDICINE,10.
  • MLA:
    He Lei, et al. "Detection and analysis of methicillin-resistant human-adapted sequence type 398 allows insight into community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus evolution" .GENOME MEDICINE 10(2018).
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