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Lactic dehydrogenase to albumin ratio in prediction of unresectable pancreatic cancer with intervention chemotherapy  期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    Gao, Shanshan(高珊珊)[1,2]Wu, Mengfei[2];Chen, Yi(陈颐)[1,2]Lou, Wenhui[3];Zhou, Guofeng[1,2];Li, Junhao[1,2];Yu, Tianzhu[2];Zhou, Yang[1,2];Liu, Lingxiao(刘凌晓)*[1,2]Wang, Xiaolin(王小林)*[1,2]
  • 语种:
  • 期刊:
    FUTURE ONCOLOGY ISSN:1479-6694 2018 年 14 卷 14 期 (1377 - 1386) ; JUN
  • 收录:
  • 关键词:
  • 摘要:

    Aim: To validate the prognostic value of lactic dehydrogenase to albumin ratio (LAR) in patients with unresectable pancreatic cancer treated by intervention chemotherapy. Materials & methods: There were 139patients retrospectively analyzed in this study. The survival was depicted with Kaplan-Meier curves and calculated by log-rank test. We used Cox proportional hazards regression model with univariate and multivariate analyses, and integrated all independent risk factors to establish the nomogram. Results: Patient with higher LAR group had poorer overall survival (OS). The Tumor, Node, Metastasis stage, carcinoembryonic antigen and LAR have been shown to be independent prognostic indicators for OS. The nomogram indicated superior predictive accuracy for OS. Conclusion: The preoperative LAR can be a prognostic indicator for unresectable pancreatic cancer patients with interventional therapy.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Gao Shanshan,Wu Mengfei,Chen Yi, et al. Lactic dehydrogenase to albumin ratio in prediction of unresectable pancreatic cancer with intervention chemotherapy [J].FUTURE ONCOLOGY,2018,14(14):1377-1386.
  • APA:
    Gao Shanshan,Wu Mengfei,Chen Yi,Lou Wenhui,&Wang Xiaolin.(2018).Lactic dehydrogenase to albumin ratio in prediction of unresectable pancreatic cancer with intervention chemotherapy .FUTURE ONCOLOGY,14(14):1377-1386.
  • MLA:
    Gao Shanshan, et al. "Lactic dehydrogenase to albumin ratio in prediction of unresectable pancreatic cancer with intervention chemotherapy" .FUTURE ONCOLOGY 14,14(2018):1377-1386.
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