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Genetic polymorphism of eight X-linked STRs of Mentype (R) Argus X-8 Kit in Chinese population from Shanghai  期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    Zhang Suhua[1,2] Li Chengtao[1,3] Zhao Shumin[1] Li Li[1]
  • 语种:
  • 期刊:
    FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL-GENETICS ISSN:1872-4973 2011 年 5 卷 1 期 (E21 - E24) ; JAN
  • 收录:
  • 关键词:
  • 摘要:

    X-chromosomal STR markers DXS10135 and DXS8378 in linkage group 1, DXS7132 and DXS10074 in linkage group 2, HPRTB and DXS10101 in linkage group 3, and DXS10134 and DXS7423 in linkage group 4 included in Mentype (R) Argus X-8 Kit were studied in Chinese Han population. After genotyping unrelated male (106) and female (92), haplotype frequencies and forensic parameters were calculated. Deviations form Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium could not be detected (p < 0.05). The obtained haplotype frequency distributions were compared with other previously reported population data. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Zhang Su-hua,Li Cheng-tao,Zhao Shu-min, et al. Genetic polymorphism of eight X-linked STRs of Mentype (R) Argus X-8 Kit in Chinese population from Shanghai [J].FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL-GENETICS,2011,5(1):E21-E24.
  • APA:
    Zhang Su-hua,Li Cheng-tao,Zhao Shu-min,Li Li.(2011).Genetic polymorphism of eight X-linked STRs of Mentype (R) Argus X-8 Kit in Chinese population from Shanghai .FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL-GENETICS,5(1):E21-E24.
  • MLA:
    Zhang Su-hua, et al. "Genetic polymorphism of eight X-linked STRs of Mentype (R) Argus X-8 Kit in Chinese population from Shanghai" .FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL-GENETICS 5,1(2011):E21-E24.
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