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Anterior Segment Dimensions in Asian and Caucasian Eyes Measured by Optical Coherence Tomography  期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    Qin, Bing[1];Tang, Maolong[2];Li, Yan[2];Zhang, Xinbo[2];Chu, Renyuan(褚仁远)[1]Huang, David[2];
  • 语种:
  • 期刊:
    OPHTHALMIC SURGERY LASERS & IMAGING ISSN:1542-8877 2012 年 43 卷 2 期 (135 - 142) ; MAR-APR
  • 收录:
  • 摘要:

    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: To compare Asian and Caucasian anterior segment dimensions measured by optical coherence tomography (OCT). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Anterior segment OCT images were obtained in normal subjects. Four line scans were acquired at the 90 degrees, 45 degrees, 0 degrees, and 135 degrees meridians of each eye. Computer calipers acquired anterior segment dimensions of corneal diameter, anterior chamber width, corneal vault, and anterior chamber depth on OCT images. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to assess correlations. RESULTS: Corneal diameter was 0.5 mm narrower (P < .01), anterior chamber width was 0.46 mm narrower (P < .01), and corneal vault was 0.22 mm lower (P < .01) in Asian eyes. All anterior segment dimensions decreased with age. CONCLUSION: Asian eyes had smaller anterior segments compared to Caucasian eyes. Regardless of race, anterior segment dimensions were smaller in older subjects. Age-related changes may affect the tolerability of long-term implants such as phakic intraocular lenses.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Qin Bing,Tang Maolong,Li Yan, et al. Anterior Segment Dimensions in Asian and Caucasian Eyes Measured by Optical Coherence Tomography [J].OPHTHALMIC SURGERY LASERS & IMAGING,2012,43(2):135-142.
  • APA:
    Qin Bing,Tang Maolong,Li Yan,Zhang Xinbo,&Huang David.(2012).Anterior Segment Dimensions in Asian and Caucasian Eyes Measured by Optical Coherence Tomography .OPHTHALMIC SURGERY LASERS & IMAGING,43(2):135-142.
  • MLA:
    Qin Bing, et al. "Anterior Segment Dimensions in Asian and Caucasian Eyes Measured by Optical Coherence Tomography" .OPHTHALMIC SURGERY LASERS & IMAGING 43,2(2012):135-142.
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