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Reply to 'The St Gallen International Expert Consensus on the Primary Therapy of Early Breast Cancer 2017: the point of view of an International Panel of Experts in Radiation Oncology' by Kirova et al.  期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    Dubsky, P.[1,2] Curigliano, G.[3] Burstein, H. J.[4] Winer, E. P.[4] Gnant, M.[1] Loibl, S.[5] Colleoni, M.[3] Regan, M. M.[6] PiccartGebhart, M.[7] Senn, H. J.[8] Thurlimann, B.[9] Andre, F.[10] Baselga, J.[11] Bergh, J.[12,13] Bonnefoi, H.[14] Brucker, S. Y.[15] Cardoso, F.[16] Carey, L.[17] Ciruelos, E.[18] Cuzick, J.[19] Denkert, C.[20] Di Leo, A.[21] Ejlertsen, B.[22] Francis, P.[23] Galimberti, V.[1] Garber, J.[2] Gulluoglu, B.[24] Goodwin, P.[25] Harbeck, N.[26] Hayes, D. F.[27] Huang, C. S.[28] Huober, J.[29] Khaled, H.[30] Jassem, J.[31] Jiang, Z.[32] Karlsson, P.[33] Morrow, M.[11] Orecchia, R.[1] Osborne, K. C.[34] Pagani, O.[35] Partridge, A. H.[2] Pritchard, K.[36] Ro, J.[37] Rutgers, E. J. T.[38] Sedlmayer, F.[39] Semiglazov, V.[40] Shao, Z.[41] Smith, I.[42] Toi, M.[43] Tutt, A.[44] Viale, G.[45,46] Watanabe, T.[47] Whelan, T. J.[48] Xu, B.[49]
  • 语种:
  • 期刊:
    ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY ISSN:0923-7534 2018 年 29 卷 1 期 (281 - 282) ; JAN
  • 收录:
  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Dubsky P.,Curigliano G.,Burstein H. J., et al. Reply to 'The St Gallen International Expert Consensus on the Primary Therapy of Early Breast Cancer 2017: the point of view of an International Panel of Experts in Radiation Oncology' by Kirova et al. [J].ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY,2018,29(1):281-282.
  • APA:
    Dubsky P.,Curigliano G.,Burstein H. J.,Winer E. P.,&Xu B..(2018).Reply to 'The St Gallen International Expert Consensus on the Primary Therapy of Early Breast Cancer 2017: the point of view of an International Panel of Experts in Radiation Oncology' by Kirova et al. .ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY,29(1):281-282.
  • MLA:
    Dubsky P., et al. "Reply to 'The St Gallen International Expert Consensus on the Primary Therapy of Early Breast Cancer 2017: the point of view of an International Panel of Experts in Radiation Oncology' by Kirova et al." .ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY 29,1(2018):281-282.
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