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Early Detection of Lung Cancer in Serum by a Panel of MicroRNA Biomarkers  期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    Wang, Ping[1,4];Yang, Dawei(杨达伟)[2]Zhang, Honglian[1];Wei, Xuyu[3];Ma, Tianle[3];Cheng, Zule[1,4];Hong, Qunying(洪群英)[2]Hu, Jie(胡洁)[2]Zhuo, Hanjing[2];Song, Yuanlin(宋元林)[2]Jia, Chunping[1];Jing, Fengxiang[1];Jin, Qinghui[1];Bai, Chunxue(白春学)[2]Mao, Hongju[1];Zhao, Jianlong[1];
  • 语种:
  • 期刊:
    CLINICAL LUNG CANCER ISSN:1525-7304 2015 年 16 卷 4 期 (313 - +) ; JUL
  • 收录:
  • 关键词:
  • 摘要:

    With the objective of identifying serum biomarkers for early detection of lung cancer, we used TaqMan probe-based real-time reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) to detect microRNA (miRNA) profiles in 118 early stage lung cancer patients. Validating the miRNA profiles in additional cases and controls suggested that miRNAs might be potential biomarkers for early detection of lung cancer. Introduction: The objective of the study was to develop a panel of microRNAs (miRNAs) as highly sensitive and specific biomarkers for lung cancer early detection. Materials and Methods: The study contained 2 phases: first, preliminary marker selection based on previous reports on the serum of 24 early stage lung cancer patients and 24 healthy control subjects by TaqMan probe-based real-time reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR); and second, validation of miRNA markers on 94 early stage lung cancer, 48 stage III to IV lung cancer, and 111 healthy control serum samples. Results: A total of 3 miRNAs (miR-125a-5p, miR-25, and miR-126) were selected for further analysis in this study. The combination of the 3 miRNAs could produce 0.936 area under the receiver operating characteristic curve value in distinguishing early stage lung cancer patients from control subjects with 87.5% sensitivity and 87.5% specificity, respectively. The diagnostic value of the miRNA panel in an independent set of lung cancer patients confirmed the sensitivity and specificity. Conclusion: The results demonstrated that the panel of miRNA biomarkers had the potential for the early detection of lung cancer. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Wang Ping,Yang Dawei,Zhang Honglian, et al. Early Detection of Lung Cancer in Serum by a Panel of MicroRNA Biomarkers [J].CLINICAL LUNG CANCER,2015,16(4):313-+.
  • APA:
    Wang Ping,Yang Dawei,Zhang Honglian,Wei Xuyu,&Zhao Jianlong.(2015).Early Detection of Lung Cancer in Serum by a Panel of MicroRNA Biomarkers .CLINICAL LUNG CANCER,16(4):313-+.
  • MLA:
    Wang Ping, et al. "Early Detection of Lung Cancer in Serum by a Panel of MicroRNA Biomarkers" .CLINICAL LUNG CANCER 16,4(2015):313-+.
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