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Influence of different substituents on anion binding ability in aromatic hydroxyl group derivatives: Experiment and theory  期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    Shang, Xuefang[0][1] Hao, Yongbing[1][1] Wang, Yi[2][2] Han, Jie[3][3] Zhai, Yuntong[4][4] Jia, Shenyu[5][4] Zhang, Jinlian[6][4] Xu, Xiufang[7][5]
  • 地址:

    [1]Xinxiang Medical College, Department of Chemistry,Xinxiang,China

    [2]Fudan University, Department of Chemistry,Shanghai,China

    [3]Yangzhou University, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Yangzhou,China

    [4]Xinxiang Medical College, School of Pharmacy,Xinxiang,China

    [5]Nankai University, College of Chemistry,Tianjin,China

  • 语种:
  • 期刊:
    Current Analytical Chemistry ISSN:1573-4110 2012 年 8 卷 3 期 (392 - 399)
  • 收录:
  • 关键词:
  • 摘要:

    A series of new sensors (1, 2, 3 and 4) bearing aromatic hydroxyl group shows the strongest binding ability for AcO - by UV-vis, fluorescence, 1H NMR titrations and theoretical investigation. The sensitivity for AcO - can be tuned by electron push-pull properties of the substituents on the aromatic ortho position of the sensor. Especially, sensor 4 containing nitro group shows the best sensitivity. The excellent sensitivity of 4 for AcO - is attributed to the structure match of host-guest. In addition, the interacted process of host-guest accompanies color changes and can be used as new colorimetric chemosensors. Real life experimental result indicates that sensor 4 can be used to qualitatively detect the fluoride in toothpaste. ? 2012 Bentham Science Publishers.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Shang Xuefang/15832980400[0],Hao Yongbing/55257587000[1],Wang Yi/55257989600[2], et al. Influence of different substituents on anion binding ability in aromatic hydroxyl group derivatives: Experiment and theory [J].Current Analytical Chemistry,2012,8(3):392-399.
  • APA:
    Shang Xuefang/15832980400[0],Hao Yongbing/55257587000[1],Wang Yi/55257989600[2],Han Jie/35229165600[3],&Xu Xiufang/7405293116[7].(2012).Influence of different substituents on anion binding ability in aromatic hydroxyl group derivatives: Experiment and theory .Current Analytical Chemistry,8(3):392-399.
  • MLA:
    Shang Xuefang/15832980400[0], et al. "Influence of different substituents on anion binding ability in aromatic hydroxyl group derivatives: Experiment and theory" .Current Analytical Chemistry 8,3(2012):392-399.
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