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RAS promotes tumorigenesis through genomic instability induced by imbalanced expression of Aurora-A and BRCA2 in midbody during cytokinesis  期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    Yang, Gong[1,2,3] MercadoUribe, Imelda[3] Multani, Asha S.[4] Sen, Subrata[5] Shih, IeMing[6] Wong, KwongKwok[7] Gershenson, David M.[7] Liu, Jinsong[3]
  • 语种:
  • 期刊:
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER ISSN:0020-7136 2013 年 133 卷 2 期 (275 - 285) ; JUL 15
  • 收录:
  • 关键词:
  • 摘要:

    The oncogene RAS is known to induce genomic instability, leading to cancer development; the underlying mechanism, however, remains poorly understood. To better understand how RAS functions, we measured the activity of the functionally related genes Aurora-A and BRCA2 in ovarian cancer cell lines and tumor samples containing RAS mutations. We found that Aurora-A and BRCA2 inversely controlled RAS-associated genomic instability and ovarian tumorigenesis through regulation of cytokinesis and polyploidization. Overexpression of mutated RAS ablated BRCA2 expression but induced Aurora-A accumulation at the midbody, leading to abnormal cytokinesis and ultimately chromosomal instability via polyploidy in cancer cells. RAS regulates the expression of Aurora-A and BRCA2 through dysregulated protein expression of farnesyl protein transferase and insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3. Our results suggest that the imbalance in expression of Aurora-A and BRCA2 regulates RAS-induced genomic instability and tumorigenesis.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Yang Gong,Mercado-Uribe Imelda,Multani Asha S., et al. RAS promotes tumorigenesis through genomic instability induced by imbalanced expression of Aurora-A and BRCA2 in midbody during cytokinesis [J].INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER,2013,133(2):275-285.
  • APA:
    Yang Gong,Mercado-Uribe Imelda,Multani Asha S.,Sen Subrata,&Liu Jinsong.(2013).RAS promotes tumorigenesis through genomic instability induced by imbalanced expression of Aurora-A and BRCA2 in midbody during cytokinesis .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER,133(2):275-285.
  • MLA:
    Yang Gong, et al. "RAS promotes tumorigenesis through genomic instability induced by imbalanced expression of Aurora-A and BRCA2 in midbody during cytokinesis" .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER 133,2(2013):275-285.
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