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Tumor-Induced Generation of Splenic Erythroblast-like Ter-Cells Promotes Tumor Progression  期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    Han, Yanmei[1,2];Liu, Qiuyan[1,2];Hou, Jin[1,2];Gu, Yan[1,2];Zhang, Yi[1,2];Chen, Zhubo[3,4];Fan, Jia(樊嘉)[5]Zhou, Weiping[6];Qiu, Shuangjian(邱双健)[5]Zhang, Yonghong[3,4,7];Dong, Tao[3,4,7];Li, Ning[3,4,7];Jiang, Zhengping[1,2];Zhu, Ha[1,2];Zhang, Qian[1,2];Ma, Yuanwu[8];Zhang, Lianfeng[8];Wang, Qingqing[9];Yu, Yizhi[1,2];Li, Nan[1,2];Cao, Xuetao[1,2,3,4,10];
  • 语种:
  • 期刊:
    CELL ISSN:0092-8674 2018 年 173 卷 3 期 (634 - +) ; APR 19
  • 收录:
  • 摘要:

    Identifying tumor-induced leukocyte subsets and their derived circulating factors has been instrumental in understanding cancer as a systemic disease. Nevertheless, howprimary tumor-induced non-leukocyte populations in distal organs contribute to systemic spread remains poorly defined. Here, we report one population of tumor-inducible, erythroblast-like cells (Ter-cells) deriving from megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor cells with a unique Ter-119(+)CD45(-)CD71(+) phenotype. Ter-cells are enriched in the enlarged spleen of hosts bearing advanced tumors and facilitate tumor progression by secreting neurotrophic factor arteminintothe blood. Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) and Smad3 activation are important in Ter-cell generation. In vivo blockade of Ter-cell-derived artemin inhibits hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) growth, and artemin deficiency abolishes Ter-cells' tumor-promoting ability. We confirm the presence of splenic artemin-positive Ter-cells in human HCC patients and show that significantly elevated serum artemin correlates with poor prognosis. We propose that Ter-cells and the secreted artemin play important roles in cancer progression with prognostic and therapeutic implications.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Han Yanmei,Liu Qiuyan,Hou Jin, et al. Tumor-Induced Generation of Splenic Erythroblast-like Ter-Cells Promotes Tumor Progression [J].CELL,2018,173(3):634-+.
  • APA:
    Han Yanmei,Liu Qiuyan,Hou Jin,Gu Yan,&Cao Xuetao.(2018).Tumor-Induced Generation of Splenic Erythroblast-like Ter-Cells Promotes Tumor Progression .CELL,173(3):634-+.
  • MLA:
    Han Yanmei, et al. "Tumor-Induced Generation of Splenic Erythroblast-like Ter-Cells Promotes Tumor Progression" .CELL 173,3(2018):634-+.
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